Who am I? Am I me, myself – or the other? This is a question Carl Gustav Jung posed to himself as a young boy; he was born after three of his family’s children had died.

To be born in the wake of a loss is an existential condition affecting many, with potentially traumatic effects across generations. Those who were born or given the role to replace a sibling or other family member can suffer from low self-esteem, identity issues, difficult relationships, survivor’s guilt, and protracted or frozen grief. The Individuation process, the central concept of Analytical Psychology, offers hope: in a process akin to a psychological rebirth, replacement children can rediscover their own soul, the essence of their original being.
With examples from clinical practice, this lecture addresses core areas of concern to replacement children and their therapists or analysts.
Join me on this awareness-raising journey towards becoming yourself or helping a family member or friend to do so.
For more information on the April 23, 2022 presentation, and to register, click here.

Kristina Schellinski is a supervisor and a teaching analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute, Zürich-Küsnacht, Switzerland, a member of the IAAP, and has a clinical practice near Geneva. She is the author of Individuation for Adult Replacement Children, Ways of Coming into Being and the co-founder of replacementchildforum.com . She has published many articles in professional journals on topics such as transgenerational transmission of trauma, the psyche-soma connection in transference phenomena, and Covid-19. She is also engaged in international supervision and teaching.