“Look for New Ways of Coming into Being!”
That is the core message of Swiss Psychoanalyst Kristina Schellinski who has launched her book Individuation for Adult Replacement Children, in London, this year.
This video excerpt of her presentation at the UK Society for Analytical Psychology gives unprecedented insight into the replacement child condition.
To unlock their great potential for psychological growth, adult replacement children can usefully examine their early attachment and identity formation and look at their feelings of grief and guilt. They can discover who they really are by reconnecting with their true self and tap into their own creativity.
“Adult replacement children can experience a psychological rebirth in the individuation process,” says Schellinski.
The person who coined the term individuation process and who outlined its stages, was the pioneering psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. Jung himself was a replacement child and his concepts are uniquely suited to understand the psychology of a replacement child.