Join us for a lecture & seminar on zoom, presented by:
Kristina Schellinski (M.A.),Teaching Analyst and Supervisor, CGJI-Zürich and
Author of Individuation for Adult Replacement Children, Ways of Coming into Being (2019)
There will be two live presentations of the seminar.
21 October, 2020 from 9.35 – 12.50 (Central European Time), and,
4 November 2020, 14.05 – 17.20 (Central European Time)
Seminar Title:
“Is there anything more fundamental than the realisation: ‘This is what I am’?” (Carl Gustav Jung, CW 16, §400)
What to expect:
We will examine the path of individuation in view of the search for self, the core concepts of Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of Analytical Psychology. Jung was born after three dead siblings, searching for an answer to the central question: ‘who am I, really’?
This lecture is an Introduction to the diagnosis and treatment of the replacement child condition.
This existential condition is faced by persons who were expected to replace a sibling or other person, often born or raised in a family atmosphere of loss and grief and in the tension of the polar opposites of life and death.
The Jungian approach to individuation offers adult replacement children an experience of a psychological rebirth when they can discover a reflection of their true self in the depth of their soul.
This lecture, given in the Block Training Program for Analysts by the C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich, Küsnacht (Switzerland), with special access given to visitors of replacementchildforum.com.
The fee for the seminar is 75 Swiss Francs (CHF). Payment in other currencies, i.e. Euro, USD, etc., can be made at transferwise.com Additional bank fees and local exchange rates may apply. To register, please print out the registration form here, and email it to: event@junginstitut.ch or contact@kristina-schellinski.com. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an email with your code giving access to the zoom session.